Lewis & Short

Arcĕsĭlas, ae (Arcĕsĭlāus, i, Gell. 3, 5), m. (acc. Arcesilam, Cic. Ac. 2, 24, 76: Arcesilan, Mel. 1, 18, 1), = Ἀρκεσίλας (-αος).

  1. I. Arcesilas (mostly in this form), a Greek philosopher of Pitane, a pupil of Polemon, and founder of the Middle Academy, Cic. de Or. 3, 18, 67; id. Ac. 1, 12, 45; 2, 24, 76; id. Fin. 5, 31, 94; Sen. Ben. 2, 10; Pers. 3, 79 (cf. Diog. Laert. 4, 28).
  2. II. Arcesilaus, a sculptor of the first century B. C., Plin. 35, 12, 45, § 155.
  3. III. Arcesilaus, an encaustic painter of Paros, Plin. 35, 11, 38, § 122.
  4. IV. Arcesilas, a painter, son of Tisicrates, Plin. 35, 11, 40, § 146.