Lewis & Short

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com-mănĭpŭlāris, is, m., a comrade who is in the same manipulus, Tac. H. 4, 46; Inscr. Orell. 3557.
So also ‡ COMMANIPVLARIVS, ii, Inscr. Rein. 8, 74.

* commănĭpŭlātĭo, ōnis, f. [commanipulo], companionship in a manipulus, Spart. Nig. 10, 6.

com-mănĭpŭlo, ōnis, m., a comrade of the same manipulus, Spart. Nig. 10, 5.
So also ‡ COMMANIPVLVS and COMMANIPLVS, Inscr. Orell. 3557; Inscr. Grut. 551, 1.