Ŏrestes, is and ae, m., = Ὀρέστης,
- I. the son of Agamemnon and Clytœmnestra, who avenged his father’s death by slaying his mother, and, in company with his faithful friend Pylades and his sister Iphigenia, priestess of Diana in the Tauric Chersonese, carried away the image of Diana to Italy, near Aricia, Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 30: Agamemnonius Orestes, Verg. A. 4, 471: dico vicisse Oresten, Enn. ap. Non. 306, 28 (Trag. v. 191 Vahl.): cum Pylades Orestem se esse diceret, Cic. Lael. 7, 24: clamantem nomen Orestis, Ov. H. 8, 9: quod fuit Argolico juvenis Phoceus Orestae, id. Am. 2, 6, 15 (vulg. Oresti).
Voc.: tristis Oresta, Ov. Tr. 1, 5, 22.
- B. Transf., a tragedy of Euripides, founded on the story of Orestes: cum Orestem fabulam doceret Euripides, Cic. Tusc. 4, 29, 63.
- II. Orestē-us, a, um, adj., = Ὀρεστεῖος, of or belonging to Orestes, Orestean: Diana, whose image was carried away by Orestes to Aricia, Ov. M. 15, 489.